Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My first job at LG electronics kept me at my toes for a good two years then I decided to move forward  in the personal front - "Marriage" also because maintaining a long distance relationship is a drain emotionally and financially .
I come from a place where love marriages especially when two religions are involved are not the most socially desirable option  and so after almost two years of convincing, carefully planned surprise visits and chance meetings finally we got married ... Indian Style Big , Loud and very Colorful :)

From one nawabi city (Lucknow) I moved to another ( Hyderabad ) and since then we have been on the move .
A leisurely trip to Italy .. oh sooo beautiful Rome, Florence and Venice. this place is so breathtakingly lovely that the clicks from my simple cyber shot automatically look photo shopped. The Vatican looks like a painting , roaming around in my monkey cap,double stockings & three layers of  sweaters I loved every second of it, all my halters and shorts kept for my maiden trip to the west could not even make it out of the suitcase ;P I should definitely dedicate more time and space to the Euro trip later.
For now I just want to say that I have spend a lot of time religiously following updates from my friends and family and I feel that the time has come to give back to the "virtual society". So more to come on whereall I go, see and do.

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